20 November 2008

Free Internet BSNL

Sharing one of the reasons We don't like going away from home is the fear of no-internet at our relatives place.For many like us ,checking email regularly is very important job of t he day,without which you can't digest your food or can't even sleep peacefully.And what if where you have gone ,there is no internet connection available.
So the solution is BSNL DIAL UP....where ever you go just connect your relative's or whosoever's dial-up phone's cable to your laptop and setup a dial up connection as all dial up phones by BSNL are Internet Enabled now!!

The number to be dialed : 172222
User name : area code without zero and phone number of the landline connection . example: For some place Ambala area code is 0171 and phone number is XXXXXXX
Then username becomes 171XXXXXXX

Password: dataone

Thats it!!


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